Kaley Cuoco in a Bikini of the Day

Kaley Cuoco is in a bikini. I guess she’s got breast implants, but if you care about this shit, you already know that, because Kaley Cuoco fans are creepy, die hards and have been following her since before she was the unrealistically hot girl hanging with nerds, that would never happen, even though she isn’t that hot…it’s like the Friends Apartment in NYC being affordable for a bunch of losers…TV magic….they’ve even been following her since before she killed off John Ritter…they are committed…and I’m just posting it cuz of bikinis…cuz one of the most important lesson’s I’ve learned in life is that it doesn’t matter who the girl is, what she’s about, if she has a brain, if she’s cool, or awesome or inspiring…what matters is that she’s half naked..

Here is Kaley working the media in her bikini because she wants you to see her like this..and I’m ok with that.


Kaley Cuoco in a Bikini of the Day July 4th, 2014