Selena Gomez Hiding her Implants of the Day

Everyone has been so into Selena Gomez and her push up bras that could possibly be breast implants…they are buying into her attention seeking story that she’s playing up for the paparazzi…in what I like to call a diversion from the actual surgery she probably had…labia reduction…or maybe it was a sex change…or maybe she didn’t have surgery at all, she just likes people talking about her…

I just know she’s probably not wearing a bra here….and her tits don’t look as fake as they should be….so if she did get fake tits…it was probably the model size fake tits that don’t even count as fake tits since they don’t matter enough and aren’t loud enough…

Either way, she’s looking less bloated on LUPUS steroids than normal, I dig whatever is going on here as much as you can dig a sloppy body that bangs Bieber on the regular…which is actually more than I’d expect it to be …I blame the Mexican connection.


Selena Gomez Hiding her Implants of the Day July 17th, 2014