Some Miley Cyrus Smokin’ in a Bikini Top of the Day

Everyone’s favorite popstar rebel, who isn’t really a rebel at all, she’s just a reflection of what is going on in pop culture. Everything is cartoon and emoji like and she just happens to have branded herself the same way. It’s like seeing knock off designer clothes at Walmart. You know there is nothing legitimate about it…but then you are forced to question whether there is anything legitimate about anything at all. You see what makes Miley authentic, or not authentic is a matter of opinion. I mean being a Disney kid, raised rich, in a mansion, with a staff who coddled her, would make you think she was totally out of touch from the real world…but maybe being alienated from the real world…tapped into her inner pothead, performer with some insane vision that only she could pull off because it was expensive to do….Maybe I shouldn’t try to analyze Miley’s act. Maybe I should focus on what is important. A babe, that isn’t that much of a babe, but at least she’s not fat, in a bikini top – smoking weed. Works for me.

Here are some of her shitty tattoos…

Some Miley Cyrus Smokin’ in a Bikini Top of the Day August 6th, 2014