Taylor Swift Narrating a Selena Gomez Movie About the Super Stupid Moon of the Day

In case you don’t use Social Media, and you probably shouldn’t because it is government disguise to trick people into getting so distracted by themselves and the image they want to portray about themselves, while judging other people in their network for their stupidness that they are jealous of…you know because it is a way to feed us information, and for use to give access to things big corporations always wanted access to, but never quite figured out…

There was a Supermoon yesterday…

And every fucking asshole took a picture of it, some making funny hand gestures, others pretending to eating it, all kinds of nonsense…and it annoyed me, because everything annoys me, especially drone, robot, mentality…when it comes to the fucking moon…

Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez also participated in the moon-movement…and it wasn’t so eventful…there were no tits…but we can assume they ate each other out. It makes the video better that way.

It’s just the fucking moon – idiots…

Taylor Swift Narrating a Selena Gomez Movie About the Super Stupid Moon of the Day August 11th, 2014