Heathyr Hoffman from Ghost Hunters Academy Nude Photos of the Day

Heathyr Hoffman is a Psychic Medium on some show called Ghost Hunters Academy…which is code for “I found my scam to get on TV”….because ghosts and psychics just don’t exist……but they do when they fuck the casting director of a stupid show.

Apparently, these are pictures of her, I’ve never seen the show so I can’t confirm or dyny anything, I can say that she’s really not my type, or really the type of girl I’d ever want to see half naked unless it was for comedic reasons, because sure I can understand that “own your body, love yourself bullshit the feminists spew, but I don’t need to be on the receiving end of that confidence, in fact, I prefer when it is saved for the bedroom…ideally someone else’s bedroom.

I guess she’s the kind of girl who wanted to be famous or naked or both…and I guess that as a concept isn’t horrible, it’s just horrible in practice…

I blame self esteem for this.

Heathyr Hoffman from Ghost Hunters Academy Nude Photos of the Day September 3rd, 2014