Hailey Clauson is one of these hipster models who is making moves…
She started modelling at 14, because people at modelling agencies and big brands are fucking perverts and don’t get arrested for recruiting teen girls – getting half naked for them. She did Wild Fox, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters and a whole bunch of other shit…
When she was 16, she sued Urban Outfitters and their Photographer for putting out sexually suggestive pics of her – that her dad signed off on – and she got paid a huge settlement.
Instead of that ruining her career, she still gets work, now at 19, and thank god for that – because she’s a fucking babe….and more importantly legal enough to get naked – and rich enough thanks to getting slutty at 16 for a major brand that shouldn’t be fucking with girls who are under 18 like they were the Dad on Seventh Heaven….
Here she is nude for Kenneth Willardt’s book.