Elizabeth Gillies Likes Ghosts for Facebook of the Day

I dont’ really know who Elizabeth Gillies is…I’ve DONE A FEW POSTS ON HER in various states of being slutty on social media because no one actually cares about her – and her really lucrative career on some kids show – other than a bunch of perverts who were forced to watch the kids show and have that kids show be the only contact they have with the outside world – because the world has essentially chopped off their fucking testicles…and by world I mean their wife and kids…which brings up a good point about breeding, the most alpha thing to do…spreading your seed, for some reason always ends up with becoming a total bitch…

Weird..but not as weird and amazing as her making blowjob faces and using some halloween app to slut it up – simulating a load on her face – because that’s what it looks like and we all know that Elizabeth Gillies is well aware, that’s why she did this.

Elizabeth Gillies Likes Ghosts for Facebook of the Day October 22nd, 2014