Lauren Cohan for Women’s Health of the Day

Lauren Cohan is some 32 year old from Walking Dead, a show I don’t watch because Zombies bore me, or at least people fighting off Zombies bore me….I mean sure if there was a Zombie apocalypse that happened during this recent Ebola outbreak, I’d probably care, but when I see it on TV, I just find it silly as fuck, and I just want the Zombies to wipe out humanity, because Humanity is a pretty miserable thing, especially when it is represented by silly actors who are overpaid to pretend they care about anything more than their pay checks and egos.

That said, she’s in Women’s Health, has a good body for 32, but Women’s House, like Shape, hire some real bootleg photographers, and those bootleg photographers, take real garbage pics. This is up on some High School year book shit, I am sure even the biggest Walking Dead fan can’t jerk off to…but that you probably can, because High School Yearbook pics is your thing.

Lauren Cohan for Women’s Health of the Day November 19th, 2014