Abbey Clancy is December 3 for Love Magazines Advent of the Day

Nothing screams Christmas like a model washing a car, because that would probably be the only time you’d ever be able to convince a model to wash a car, at least if you were a billionaire she was trying to prove she wasn’t just a gold digger for, unless she spent all her money on coke…which I doubt, since models get coke for free…

Point being, everyday is Christmas when you get to stare at girls like this…doing things like this…and you don’t need a birth of Jesus or a tree to jerk off to it…right…

I don’t know it that was the actual point I wanted to make…but either way…this may not be anything Christmas, but then again either is Christmas, but it is a Christmas miracle..

Love Magazine

Abbey Clancy is December 3 for Love Magazines Advent of the Day December 3rd, 2014