Lauren Nicholas By Damon Loble of the Day

I don’t know who this LAUREN NICHOLS girl is, which isn’t saying much because I am a drunk, and everyone seems the fucking same, whether they are topless or not, it’s just one massive sea of hipster tits, that I’m all about, because I’d rather deal in hipster tits, than in plumbing equipment, or gardening equipment, or washing dishes in some shitty fucking restaurant for less than minimum wage…

These are shot by someone named Damon Loble ….for who fucking knows or cares what…it’s just like get naked on the internet for art or whatever this is…I’ll totally masturbate to it…and make my own art with the bloody, rancid semen paint this pathetic penis bush produces…this is how I get all the girls…

Lauren Nicholas By Damon Loble of the Day December 22nd, 2014