No one cares who Dakota Johnson is, I am going to assume not even her mother, Melanie Griffith, because she’s probably too busy being a broken celebrity daughter who became a celerbity of her own, all narcissistic and fucking everything to fill the void of quitting cocaine to be a mother…assuming that she’s quit cocaine…but definitely filling he her vagina, not just now that she’s old and dried up with Banderas is out of the picture, but before, when Don Johnson and every other man she’s had come in and out of Dakota’s life, preparing her for her role as 50 Shades of grey…..
But I care about her vagina definition in a pair of leggings…not that much, but at least enough to look at it for a while… Come February, she may be a huge deal…for now she’s just huge outter labia…or huge enough for me…