Miley Cyrus in a Bikini of the Day

Miley Cyrus was out being normal, with what looks like her gay best friend, who is actually her boyfriend, who you can assume may be a bit of a pussy, thanks to being raised by nannies with a silver spoon in his mouth, coddled by everyone around him….from my experience, rich kid dudes are pretty much massive bitches who still call their dad’s daddy, and cry when they don’t get to take out the family Ferrari…when they want to take out the family Ferrari…but I am just speculating based on how not into Miley he looks, which could have a lot of fucking reasons, and more importantly, after hearing Miley speak, how deep voiced she is, you’d have to like grown men, because the sounds she probably makes when getting fucked, likely sound like a truck stop bathroom…where gays meet on the Downlow…

That said, her butt is good…and when it comes to pics…that’s all that matters…



Miley Cyrus in a Bikini of the Day January 23rd, 2015