Kim Kardashian Naked for Love Magazine of the Day

It amazes me that Kim Kardashian’s new found talent is selling magazines by getting naked.

More importantly, it amazes me that the general public is interested or buying into Kim Kardasahian getting naked in magazines to go viral, even though she is a fucking virus, one so bad it’s killing off our youth…

It’s like they don’t remember that when she was 25 she filmed a sex tape / porn, and you can see her getting railed by black dude…you can google that shit and see her actually naked…when she was younger and prettier…less damaged and fat….with a different kind of desperation that was appealing not just greedy and disgusting…

I mean she’s old as fuck now, sure I approve of everyone getting naked in pictures….it’s not a big deal…but I don’t understand why this one. is one people care about…based on everything she’s done to get to this level…She’s the fucking worst.

I’ve already mentioned this issue of Love MAgazine they are milking…at least once in reference to her diaper looking ass HERE ….make it stop.

Kim Kardashian Naked for Love Magazine of the Day February 5th, 2015