Kristen Stewart Does Lesbianism of the Day


Kristen Stewart must be playing a lesbian in a new movie, because she’s playing up this whole lesbian thing as hard as she can. Whether it’s in the paparazzi pics she’s been in, or this leather jacket James Deen shoot…it’s some bull dyke hustle…that I’m sure lesbians are into, because Lebsians fucking love Twilight, they’re into blood…that’s why they date girls…mmmm period…

They also love anything that is lesbian friendly…like Birkenstocks…

This is for Wonderland Magazine..and what it comes down to is that…I don’t find Kristen Stewart hot ever, whether thinking about her in some face sitting scissor situation…she’s just too inbred and dead in the eyes for me….

Here she is less Lesbian for Interview…

Kristen Stewart Does Lesbianism of the Day February 18th, 2015