Britney Spears Rebuilt for Her Lingerie Collection of the Day

Here is Britney Spears not being Britney Spears…but being a rendition of her that we could call a #tbt / throwback thursday…since she hasn’t looked this fucking good in a decade, pre kids…but thanks to technology, they can crop her head on her old body, and trick the hicks who still worship her, those who made her more than just the one hit wonder she was destined to be, the star with millions of records sold she became…all without a soul….thanks to meds and eager parents selling her off…into buying her bikinis….

What it comes down to is that this is a lie that I am willing to buy into…because she’s Britney Fucking Spears…and she reminds me of a better time…when popstars weren’t fat girls like Iggy Azalea, Katy Perry and Nicki Minaj…but they did become fat after the kids and throwing in the towel…only to come back like this…it just works for me…I guess I’m old school.

Britney Spears Rebuilt for Her Lingerie Collection of the Day February 19th, 2015