The weirdest night of my life that I remember, because I have had a lot of weird nights, this one was just more hollywood weird than hooker getting pissed on weird in the staircase of a Russian drug dealer’s apartment weird….
It happened between 7 and 10 years ago…and Lindsay Lohan, who befriended me thanks to me pranking her a few times without blocking my number…invited me to her hotel room. I figured I was going to get shot or killed, but was ready to die, because I figure being set up for murder by Lohan was a solid way to go.
I show up and she was locked in her bedroom, I’m sure she wasn’t doing drugs or anything, I hit up her table filled with all the booze you could imagine and drank with her weirdo homo friend with the long hair…who was too cool for school…
She ended up walking out of her room, like she was walking out on stage on Broadway…she was in pyjama pants and high heels and she performed a stripper dance for me…to her new ALbum, that has yet to be released….
I don’t really remember what else happened, but I ate French fries…and she cried to me about some random bullshit I felt wasn’t authentic…and that was the end of our friendship..
These pictures of her in Pajamas in public…remind me of the good times..that were…Lohan…will forever hold a special place in my heart for more than just her awesome fake tits, but also for her level of crazy that involved inviting a dude from the interent into her hotel with no security…and for that…I will always love her.
To see more pics of her looking hot at an event CLICK HERE