Tiny Kate Upton Gets Coffee in Beverly Hills of the Day

I think we’re all at the point in Kate Upton’s career where we’ve decided that her big tits were fun before she turned 20 and her metabolism slowed the fuck down, making her into a rich pile of fat shit that doesn’t deserve to book any jobs, since models aren’t supposed to be this size…especially not when they are as famous as her…or when Sports Illustrated tries to pretend she’s not plus sized…not that I care about fat chicks, I would fuck anything…I just don’t like when fat chicks have inflated egos or self worth due to false advertising marketing and people sucking up to them….”oh you look amazing”…”no you don’t look fat at all”…especially when they look like this in slimming all black…with pants a few sizes too small…love handles bellowing out of them like some kind of fat drunk homeless guy at the bar….it’s not hot…but it’s Kate Upton…who’s new nickname is Tiny…


Tiny Kate Upton Gets Coffee in Beverly Hills of the Day February 26th, 2015