Chrissy Teigen Topless Fat Pug Faced Gold Digger Tits for Attention of the Day

Chubby fat role filled Chrissy Teigen, a model who isn’t a model and who has probably made next to no money modeling, decided to get topless and show the world her old fat gold digging tits…because that’s how you stay relevant when you’re a fame whore…seeking attention…otherwise your husband who we all know didn’t sign a pre-nup because she’s a manipulative cow who got in with him early enough and she behaved on the sidelines while he built their wealth with his talent…only for her to fuck off on him as soon as the right opportunity comes along…so that half of everything is hers….maybe it will be after a kid..who knows…I just know she’s not hot and totally overrated…but not really, she’s pretty much a nobody…but don’t tell her that, she’ll blog about it…

To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

To see a lot more of the pics with Bruce Weber CLICK HERE

Chrissy Teigen Topless Fat Pug Faced Gold Digger Tits for Attention of the Day March 13th, 2015