Selena Gomez Pudgy Face Bikini of the Day

Selena Gomez posted this picture of her in a bikini top, I guess to prove that her tits are just her being hormonal and not actual implants, because they are built like a body builder’s pectoral muscles, and not like an implant, unless that’s the look she was going for with her surgeon, which is possible “Make it look like a tranny tit”….but I doubt it…

Now, we can assume that she felt pretty, because she looks cute enough and her pudgy little face is not as pudgy, maybe a not so crazy water retention / Lupus medication bloat…

I wouldn’t say I’m a fan, or find this girl interesting or hot, but I’ll stare at anything in a bikini, because I can…and more importantly, because I have nothing better to do…my life is pathetic.

Selena Gomez Pudgy Face Bikini of the Day March 23rd, 2015