Miley Cyrus Beer Showers a Bootleg VS Model of the Day

Miley Cyrus’ new BFF, is some bootleg VS model, who makes no sense as a VS model, not that VS has any real clout anymore, and are struggling to cooler instagram brands, but pulling some random hipster chick in and giving her their stamp of approval is just weird as fuck, she must be connected, or at least is now…hanging out with Miley and maximizing it in bikini doing Beer bottle “facials”….but not on her face…

It’s a little erotic, but would be better…if she was actually built less like a little boy and/or she was sitting on Miley’s face while doing this…but it’s still good enough…

Miley Cyrus Beer Showers a Bootleg VS Model of the Day March 30th, 2015