Behati Prinsloo is Flashing Her ass of the Day


Behati Prinsloo has exposed her ass to far worse things that the world for attention…she actually built a career on showing her ass to the world…just in a more controlled setting and not one that she intentionally set up with the “wind” for the “paparazzi” who just happened to know where Behati Prinsloo was going to be, because they weren’t called by her people to get a little media attention now that things have died down….thanks to the far worse things that she has exposed her ass to…namely Adam Levine, the lamest, most irritating pop act of the modern age of music…but for some reason, a reason I call being an LA rich kid, who can get on the radio and brain wash people in the middle of the country hard enough because they are inbred retards to like it..and more importantly watch his shitty TV show…

You see whether he’s a nice guy, great guy, amazing husband or not…he’s still Adame Levine, and anything or anyone that fucks him should be taken out back and shot…or in Behati’s case…deported…

The only thing that would make her redeem herself in this ass pic, even with the great ass in the pic…would be if her Prinspoo was dripping down her leg…not because I like Pirnspoo…but because I like bitches feeling humilated.

I’m sweet like that.


Behati Prinsloo is Flashing Her ass of the Day April 2nd, 2015