Madonna For Cosmo – Then and Now of the Day



Madonna is 100 years old and was recently in Cosmo. For some reason, people found it fascinating that the last time she was in Cosmmo, was 25 years ago…so that’s like 1990…

I don’t find it fascinating, because Madonna is 100 fucking years old, and 25 years ago was back when she was in her mid 30s, already a popster, before having kids and not really marketing herself to the cosmo girl, thanks to being famous as fuck…

Where as now, she’s just desperate, trying to get to the youth, the kind of bitch who goes to the Amazon, or some other third world and tries to eat babies for their souls, or even hangs out with Miley Cyrus, hoping to find one of Miley’s used tampons to suck out the blood to find the cure to aging…

This isn’t hoot to me…even if I eat periods sometimes…but I will post it anyway…

Madonna For Cosmo – Then and Now of the Day April 6th, 2015