Hilaria Baldwin’s Pregnant Picture of the Day

I don’t like pregnant women, because I just think about how destroyed their vaginas probably are or soon will be, not to mention that whole freakish baby growing inside her like some parasitic alien, even though the human race depends on it….it still seems so fucking unnatural…

But I do like gold digging sugar babies, with amazing Yoga bodies and flexibility, who landed teaching yoga to Celebrities, who love Yoga because they have everything money can buy, and shit makes them think they are more spiritual or something equally obnoxious in their horribly disgusting lives…

I just figure, if you’re gonna show a motherfucker how flexbible you are, he might as well be some pervert rich guy, who can support your Yoga life of luxury, so that you can do Yoga on your own fucking terms around the world…

So this Hilaria Baldwin and her rockin’ body is fun to look at, even when pregnant with a Baldwin meal ticket….

Hilaria Baldwin’s Pregnant Picture of the Day April 13th, 2015