Chelsea Handler Bare Ass on Instagram of the Day

People find Chelsea Handler funny….you know a mean spirited, bitter hag comedian making bitchy jokes…can be funny…shocking and get you noticed…

I find Chelsea Handler’s best joke the way she’s been handling not getting the job as David Letterman’s replacement…especially after she likely sucked Les Moonves off at least once…in her rise to fame…

I think these post her tits, post her ass, push the limits of Instagram rules like a “rebel” pretending to be a feminist…is desperation at its finest…because she has money now…

Where as when she was whoring out when launching her career as she worked as a waitress…was just standard…

What it comes down to is that it is just’s like spread that whore pussy already in private, we’ve already seen your tits…your ass is probably just as played out…post pussy…stop tip toeing on the line of appropriate…shocking…fucking five in you phoney bitch..

Chelsea Handler Bare Ass on Instagram of the Day April 14th, 2015