Kendall Jenner Coachella Private Plane Thigh of the Day

I have a new fetish…

It is called rich kids flying in a private jet to Coachella, which is an hour and a half drive, because rich kids can’t be seen in cars, not even town cars, or tour buses for that hour and a half ride, like a bunch of fucking rich kids have places to be and things to do…like sitting by the pool all day…and/or being whored by their parents…

Now I don’t hate that someone paid to fly Kendall to Coachella, like she was a hooker in Dubai…I actually like it because she’s showing thigh…and because it reminds me how cunty the generation has become…because if they can’t fly private…why fly at all.

Kendall Jenner Coachella Private Plane Thigh of the Day April 21st, 2015