Nicole Eggert’s Breast Reduction Show of the Day

This is a terrifying video clip from a show I guess is called Botched Plastic Surgery, where they go in and try to fix up shitty plastic surgery, but I could be wrong, I didn’t bother googling it..

I was too busy trying to understand Baywatch Babe Nicole Eggert’s tits that she wanted to have rebuilt, now that she’s 50 and built like a 50 year old, all broad backed and scary enough for me to never want to see her in a bikini, or really see her topless with her nipples censored…

So this show is on E!, who are known for their quality programming, and they creation of Ryan Seacrest…and it is 5 minutes of talk about fat old lady tits…showing fat old lady tits…that if you’re 40…you probably jerked off to on Saturday nights…

I see enough fat tits in my day to day…but this plastic surgeon is pretty awesome!

Nicole Eggert’s Breast Reduction Show of the Day April 24th, 2015