Kendall Jenner Instagram Model of the Day

I know Kendall Jenner is geting paid a lot of money by Calvin Klein for this. They fucking love young girls in black and white…looking like borderline illegal images..but that aren’t illegal because all the twinks involved are over 18…

But there is still something magical about a girl doing the instagram model booty pose…whether it’s paid for or not by the underwear company that makes the underwear that she is wearing,..and that coincidentally you want to sniff…

The whole family are fame whores, attention seekers, the worst…but I’m not against fame whoring and attention seeking when it involves hot, slutty, erotica like this…

I get it, instagram girls are hookers…but that doesn’t take away from staring at their thirst, or hustle…because it’s better than staring at my wife’s inner thigh rash she makes me apply topical cream to…if you know what I mean…shitty morals, shitty people, shitty everything, possibly even this undewear….but not as shitty as my life…

Kendall Jenner Instagram Model of the Day April 30th, 2015