Maria Menounos’ Food Baby of the Day

There’s a few pretty unattractive things going on in this video of Maria Menounos at some desperate housewife event involving lame, wine guzzling 40 year olds trying to have a good time, that no matter how good of a time they have, they are still 40 year olds…never quite being as cute or fun as 20 year olds…and if anything…it’s just sad….

The first…is that Maria Menounos eats, and we hate when girls do that, the second is that she shows off her belly after eating, something we hate….especially when called a Baby, because pregnancy is disgusting as it is…and even more disgusting when you are forced to think of her shitting this out when it’s run it’s course…it’s like keep your food baby to yourself bitch..

All this to say…Who’s Maria Menounos again?

Whoever she is, here she is in a bikini….without food baby…

Maria Menounos’ Food Baby of the Day May 11th, 2015