Nina Agdal Picking Her Ass in a BIkini of the Day

Nina Agdal is the worst…

I know I say that about a lot of people, but this one I am pretty confident about…

She’s got a good body, or had a good body, that now looks like a falling apart sloppy body….but just has nothing to offer, she’s not an aspiring actress like the other SI models, she’s just a drunk, sloppy, immigrant…who bangs rich dudes…on what one may call an expensive hooker program…because that’s what having sex with dudes for money…who are willing to pay the money…because they’ve seen you in magazines is called…

I’m just not into this….but you are…so TO SEE THRE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

Nina Agdal Picking Her Ass in a BIkini of the Day May 11th, 2015