Emily Ratajkowski in One of Her Last Photoshoots of the Day

Sports Illustrated has figured out how the internet works and I guess are releasing a photoshoot a day from their archives or from new content they shoot when they ship these girls to shoot for them..and today, I guess is Charity Day, you know pre-memorial day handouts…where they featured our friend Emily Ratajkowski and her amazing body, that must include Fake tits, because tits just don’t come in that shape and size…but when they do..they lead to instagram stardom…that I am sure is fizzling out, but that I’ll bring back to life…with my substantially influential blog…exposing her to 12 people who already probably jerk off to her…

All this to say, I predict her being replaced by other big titty models, she’s just not compelling or exciting enough to really bother with..but Alba did exist for being just a hot chick, so you never know…but what I do know…is that she plays hard to get with me…with all that blocking on social media..and that makes me want to marry her…you know to keep things exciting…but until I get off my couch to propose to her..I’ll just stare and wonder how this happened…for 30 seconds…ok…over it..

Emily Ratajkowski in One of Her Last Photoshoots of the Day May 22nd, 2015