Hadid Sisters Have Tits of the Day

Let most girls who have hit puberty and aren’t breast cancer survivors…the Hadid sisters have tits…tits that if they were practicing Muslim and not just Muslim named LA brats who probably got their tits on their 16th birthday, like how most LA tits are grown, would not be this exposed…but thanks to being tainted by white model mother blood…they’ve learned exactly how to maximize it all…and as a dude…who only really cares if there’s vagina..this doesn’t really excite me…I’m pretty desensitized…but I will say if I was to end up on a Deserted island, this is the kind of tit I’d want to be stuck with…as long as it was lactacting…

That’s it for now…fascinating stuff..right..

Here she is in Australia Vogue…and By She I mean GIGI…the other one doesn’t count yet…

Hadid Sisters Have Tits of the Day May 22nd, 2015