Rose McGowan’s Boobs of the Day

Rose McGowan has told me…at least over her personal facebook…that I am pretty much a piece of shit…

She is not down with the shit that I write…she finds it obnoxious, unproductive, a waste of time and negative…

She told me that I could just as easily say good things about people, rather than being a piece of shit hater….

Well, the good news is, that no matter how much I make fun of overpaid cunts, or laugh at overrated cunts, or call out the media and advertising for brainwashing us…because the whole thing is a farce….and no matter how Rose McGowan doesn’t see the humor, or even care I exist…but cared enough to tell me I pretty much suck….

I can still look at her tits…like it was still 1995 and this was doom generation…a mainstream movie I rented because of it’s rating back in 1995..when tits in movies mattered….because they are perfect…

So Rose McGowan is not a fan of me, and doesn’t care enough to even know I exist, but cared enough to tell me I suck…but I am a fan of her tits…and I guess that’s what this horrible world we live in…


Rose McGowan’s Boobs of the Day June 19th, 2015