Chelsea Handler’s Bath Time of the Day

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Chelsea Handler is an attention seeking comedian, who’s best joke is her mocking attention seeking fame whores, by being one…

It’s the kind of Parody that people like Perez Hilton did, yes I just referenced Perez Hilton, he’s on Chelsea Handler’s level of importance, a celebrity blogger who was so obsessed with being a celebrity that he hated celebrities, only to become a celebrity, who is now doing stage shows as an actor, as life has a funny way of working out for people…who aren’t me…

This hustle worked for her years ago, many years ago, and is the reason she had a career, but instead of doing it behind closed doors like when she was cute, now she’s doing it publicly…because it makes more noise I guess…

So here she is taking a bath, even though she can’t wash the filth off her, that she’s in her blood stream….but some people, mainly inbred farmers find washing pigs erotic…so here..

Chelsea Handler’s Bath Time of the Day June 25th, 2015