Kaley Cuoco, Amy Davidsonm & Lacey Chabert in Bikinis of the Day

I guess the general public like mindless sitcoms…unless Big Bang Theory is actually interesting comedy..I’ve never watched a full episode, but people seem to fucking love it, which makes me assume it isn’t actually good, it is just designed to talk to the masses at a basic levle so that they can trap in fans and make Kaley Cuoco stupid rich, when actual talent is not able to get work…..

I just assumed it was Friends, for the new generation, formulaic and based on nerd shit, and nerds love nerd shit, even the “hot”nerd girl they market as accessible…

Well, she’s been in a bikini…celebrating god knows what…witch a couple of old friends like her co-star on 8 Simple Rules, with the red hair, who was on set when John Ritter died..and Lacey Chabert, another nerd favorite…making this perfect for anyone over 35…because who the fuck are these girls…who cares they are old in bikinis…and there is comedy in that.

Here’s her 8 Simple Ruiles co-star no one remembers milking their friendship…by posting yoga pics…in a bikini…because people love bikinis..

Kaley Cuoco, Amy Davidsonm & Lacey Chabert in Bikinis of the Day June 30th, 2015