Heidi Klum in Lingerie of the Day

Heidi Klum still models lingerie…She also peddles it…which I gues she is modeling it…you know make that money from any angle you can…especially after spending a decade or more being created by Victoria’s Secret…making this her actual talent, while the TV career, is just coincidental or whatever…

I still like looking at Heidi Klum in a bikini, because she’s clearly genetically modified, possibly from being a German…and we know all about the German’s research into DNA and ethnic cleansing…trying to create the perfect race…which one could argue, at least based on her aging, that Heidi Klum may be…

Not to mention, her vagina is like a circus trick, and not just because she’s in her 50s, but because it’s been filled with babies after being filled with massive black penis…making her even more interesting to me….like some kind of science experiment, and/or german scat porn…

Heidi Klum in Lingerie of the Day July 1st, 2015