Lady Gaga in a Bra in a Car of the Day

Lady Gaga may be a useless person with shitty music, but she proves a few things…

The first is that with the right clown costume and lie, even ugly girls can be marketed…

The second is that if you write your music a certain way, you can brainwash the public into loving your music…like some Josie and the Pussycat shit, that you know actually exists…because why else would I know every Lady Gaga lyric, without ever…and I mean EVER actively listening to her songs….

When I think about it, it freaks me out, because I’m not a pussy who cares what people think pretending that I don’t listen to her song because I think I’ll come across more hardcore and anti-corporate..too cool for the mainstream..

But I legitimately have NEVER liked her music, and never YOUTUBED her song, not even to be ironic..

Yet…I know her lyrics…I don’t even listen to the radio…so this brainwashing runs deep..because I can’t even place how I’ve been exposed to it…

She’s also proved, which I think is her most important legacy, that if you get naked for attention…pretending it is art…people will stop caring…

Like heroin, the first nipple slip, pussy slip, nude shoot…is the best…the rest kinda blend into each other…and in Lady Gaga’s case eventually stop mattering…

Which is a good thing, since she’s the worst..

Lady Gaga in a Bra in a Car of the Day July 1st, 2015