Nicola Peltz in Shorts of the Day

Nicola Peltz is one of the more interesting daughter of a multi-billionaire, because she’s from Upstate New York rich and not from LA rich, which makes her fame whoring a lot more subtle than her LA counterparts, who she is probably friends with, as they all meet at the Wealthy Summer Parties that you assholes aren’t allowed to go to…where they wear little shorts for their fans, who are just a bunch of nerd losers who jerk off to Transformers, as that’s all she’s been in, probably because her dad is one of Michael Bay’s financiers for his shitty high budget movies, and putting his daughter in a talentless role as the hot chick, someting good for ego and business meetings at the country club conversation, is a pretty easy clause to sign off on, because she’s kind of hot..

Either way, this is like hip hop wars of the 90s, east VS west, but the only person who gets shot is all these girls, in the face by dudes they are using to cope with their daddy issues with…dudes who aren’t you or me…but you can still jerk off to her ass if you want…that’s the power of the internet.

Nicola Peltz in Shorts of the Day July 6th, 2015