Mia Isabella is the Shemale Porn Chick Tyga Sends His Dick Pics to of the Day

Caitlyn Jenner best watch out…you know I’ve heard of guys having sex dreams about their mother in laws, but I guess this motherfucker’s decided to live in out with the young, black and hot porn version of Caitlyn Jenner, some shemale named Mia Isabella…who I guess works with Tyga, or works Tyga, until feeling it is time to expose Tyga for being the kid of guy who fucks trannies…which as it turns out…is a lot of dudes…


My first job in porn was in 2002, and even then the best selling titles, which at the time were DVDs, were tranny porn…Because I guess dudes love dick, as long as they have tits and look and act like a girl…I don’t know..the whole thing seems pretty gay to me, but I guess Kylie is just the vagina version of this clown, freak, werido…

If you want to see the dick Tyga fucks underage girls with, when not fucking trans girls who look like the underage girl he fucks CLICK HERE If you want to see Mia Isabella doing porn CLICK HERE

Here are some pics from her/it/his instagram

Mia Isabella is the Shemale Porn Chick Tyga Sends His Dick Pics to of the Day July 8th, 2015