Genevieve Morton Sneaks a Nipple on Instagram of the Day

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Genevieve Morton is the not very famous bikini model from South Africa, who I guess gets some consistent work thanks to SI becasue she is one of the veterans from Sports Illustrated Swim.

She had a window of opportunity as their busty blonde, but America is Patriotic and went for their own Kate Upton, leaving Genevieve in the dust…

I am a Sports Illustrated model hater, but not a Genevieve Morton Hater, I think she funny….

But I find the other Sports Illustrated models all pretty low quality, over rated, not really relevant in the grand scheme of the world, not what they used to be in the 70s and 80s, when actually the hottest of models, while these ones are just girls that the men’s sites like, because they have tits and are told they are amazing…..over and over again…

I really think the only value of being in Sports Illustrated is luring in really rich guys and charging them more for escorting…

I also think that there are a million, maybe more, amazing girls in bikinis on Instagram who are less obnoxious, less overpriced, and willing to hang…so why deal with phoney models…like Chrissy Teigen…who you may know as the girl drawing attention to herself for showing off her old lady tits on instagram, that must be paid for by instagram marketing…

Well, Genevieve is a less offensive Sports Illustrated model, she’s a little more subtle in her branding, and in her posting her nipples on social media, but she still is doing it….which is a good thing…

It was her birthday yesterday….not quite 18 anymore, but still busty and a good time….which I guess is what matters…

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Genevieve Morton Sneaks a Nipple on Instagram of the Day July 10th, 2015