Hannah Ferguson Re-Run of the Day

These pictures of Hannah Ferguson from last summer…have made a comeback, I have no idea why, maybe it’s summer and re-run season, who fucking knows..I just know I posted them over a year ago…and I guess here they are again…

I wrote:

Hannah Ferguson is the 45 year old looking model, who I’ve been told is very nice, because I guess when you’re 45 and you’re finally making it in the world as a bikini model, you’ve seen some shit and have been through some shit and experiences that have allowed you to get to a place where people think she’s 24…

You know…one of those “if I’m really sweet and nice and fun, they won’t ask for ID, they’ll just want to take pics of me, and pretend my hard face is from sun damage, because I’m that committed to bikini modeling and my body is hot, that’s all they care about, just be pleasant, keep the smile on, don’t let them have any reason to doubt me”….

Or maybe I’m just an asshole…I mean I can assure you that she’ll think I’m an asshole..all while I think she’s got pretty great tits…

I stand by everything I said….I would like to add that I am pretty amazing, I never re-read my posts but read that and it’s on point…shit I should have a TV show or a book deal or something…what the fuck is this injustice in the workd…

And that was the re-run of the day

Hannah Ferguson Re-Run of the Day July 13th, 2015