Sinead O’Connor Seems into Kim Kardashian of the Day

It is safe to assume that this is Sinead O’Connor jumping on the Kim Kardashian band wagon like everyone else, because it seems to be the only way to get into the press, especially when you’re outspoken Sinead O’Connor…

I would say maybe Kim K paid her to do this, but Kim K and the rest of the world doesn’t fucking remember this bitch….

That’s not to say what she saying isn’t true…why is Kim K on the cover of a music mag, that was at some point in time influential, interesting, pioneers that covered the scene before the internet…

Are they just clickbait, click hogs, trying to get noticed, picked up, seen and resorting to shitty coverage of shitty people that have a big social following to do it?

Is all media owned by ad agencies?

I am going to go with yes…Sinead O’Connor has been under a rock or locked in a basement so long, she just doesn’t realize it…or maybe she does and this is her campaign…

All this to say…this much Kardashian and Sinead thought..should warrant me being taken out back and shot for participating…

Sinead O’Connor Seems into Kim Kardashian of the Day July 14th, 2015