Bill Cosby’s Victims New York Magazine Cover of the Day

I tried soaking this magazine in sedatives….You know some vodka and prescription pills…and these girls didn’t look like anything you would would want to masturbate to…like most magazines…but Bill Cosby did…

This magazine is sad, and full of sexual assault victims, and you should not like or want anything to do with exually assault anything or anyone, but you’ve all heard dudes say “I’d fuck her, I’d fuck that, I’d fuck those tits”..that’s just one “no” away rape…depending how bad motherfucker wants it…or if he’s all talk….and I guess sexual predators go after whatever or whoever they think they are going to get away sexually assaulting….or maybe they go after people they feel led them to believe they weren’t sexually assualting and that they were actively partiicpating, who knows….

I am not surprised Cosby or really any male celebrity is a sexual predator. They are rich, and weird and have egos…and are fucked up…

So the whole thing is as disgusting as you’d expect, 40 or more victims coming forward now, when they could have done it a long time ago, but wouldn’t have been believed, which is why isn’t he in jail.

It happened in an era where rape victims sucked it up…so be happy that the fucker is getting dragged through the mud, that wasn’t a black joke, and getting what he will deserve, because maybe this will bring some awareness to these celebrity dudes who get away with murder….because they are celebrities and can buy their way out of shit…and have egos and god complexes and think they can get away with murder….and girls who throw themselves at them…Bring the fuckers down..

I am just surprised that he isn’t being charged as a child molester, like a Hockey Coach or Choir Leader, because I would have expected him to have been a child molester with the whole having a master’s in education, being a child educator, doing the Fat Albert, JELLO Commercial, Kids Say the Darndest Things…thing…

What I am saying at…is Bill Cosby has always been creepy….

Here’s the story HERE , it’s important…fuck this guy…

Here’s the some Zoe Kravitz…

Bill Cosby’s Victims New York Magazine Cover of the Day July 27th, 2015