Shay Mitchell Tits for Snapchat of the Day

Shay Mitchell is a best selling author, because she very famous thanks to a very popular show and could have written a series of retard words that weren’t even in english together, rather than paying some ghostwriter to put this “girls in their 20s in LA”…series together that she ended up starting up because she realizes it an turn into a Gossip Girl franchise, because clearly people are obsessed with celebrities, and shit doesn’t even have to be good or riveting or compelling to get read, since people don’t read anymore, it just needs downloads….millions of downloads…and it will become a fucking hit…

The world is fucked, but at least Shay Mitchell, Canada’s own rich cunt turned Hollywood Cunt who doesn’t want to be forgotten….shows her tits on snapchat…sure not enough…but still enough…to be uneventful and irrelevant yet so relevant…because society sucks.

Shay Mitchell Tits for Snapchat of the Day July 28th, 2015