Rihanna in a Bikini of the Day

Rihanna and her best friend are in bikinis…because when you’re Rihanna’s best friend, your life is one vacation, probably filled with annoying Rihanna freakouts and breakdowns, because all these bitches are crazy, especially when thrown a ton of fucking money, but worth putting up with, because it’s a good life, also filled with bikinis…on the perpetual vacation…of a babied celebrity…where you get everything you want…

But like all of the entourages, the latch on spends the money as freely as the one making the money, and acts as cunty as the one who made the money, in thinking she’s famous because she’s got all the benefits of it, but she’s in a bikini…and we like bikinis.

Rihanna in a Bikini of the Day August 3rd, 2015