Frida Aasen is Amazing of the Day

Her name is Frida Aasen. She was born in Kristiansand, which seems like some religious amusement park full of bible thumping weirdos, either doing sensationalized evangelical curing of disease, or maybe just a place to repent your sins, including but not limited to jerking off to their 20 year old locals…because they are amazing..

Kristiansand, is unfortunately not a bible thumping weird place for religious freaks, but rather a town in Norway, that creates oddities like this babe…

She’s been on the cover of a bunch of magazines, she’s got 45,000 followers on INSTAGRAM – I followed her and didn’t realize, because I follow everything I see with tits…but will pay more attention to this, because she’s built like a fucking dream girl..

I don’t know what this shoot is for, but it reminds me of shit I jerked off to in the 90s, and would be shit I jerk off to today, if my penis wasn’t broken and I wasn’t so desensitized…

Frida Aasen is Amazing of the Day August 5th, 2015