Whitney Cummings Fat and Still Annoying of the Day


Whitney Cummings was the skinny, vain, obnoxious, annoying, not very funny, yet hot enough to book gigs, “comedian”….who ended up getting two shows…for her writing, because the entertainment industry is fucked…

The fact is that actual hot girls are getting acting jobs, without making jokes about being a girl, dealing with boners, and other relatable “dating” stories, that just suck….but since the market is women, worked…

It was a hook, she didn’t even have to be funny, but amongst the lesbians with asymetric haircut comedians, worked…plus lesbians don’t joke about sucking dick, which is the “fart joke”…of the generation….played out.

I assume now that she’s made it, now that she has money, now that she can afford to eat, she’s allowed herself to gain weight, you know grow into the tits that are the only reason she has a career…

And in being a fame whore, whore, who found her angle, she’s continued, like Chelsea Handler before her, by going to instagram with fame whore pics, to show off her new fat body, to make noise about herself, because now that she’s won…and is over winning, she’s gone back to making noise about herself…and she’s doing it by flashing her shitty fucking comedy ass..but it’s still an ass, and I am down with any fame whore, whether she’s rich and made it or not…

I call this series, not quite hot enough to be a model or actress, but hotter than most comedians, so it works….

Fuck Whitney Cummings…

Whitney Cummings Fat and Still Annoying of the Day August 5th, 2015