Stella Maxwell Nipple for Love of the Day


Stella Maxwell is not Stella Hudgens…but still Stella…who is Stella Hudgens? Who knows…these tits?

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Stella Maxwell is the Vagina that Miley possibly eats…like she eats Avacado because Miley Cyrus likes this whole gender ambiguous, feminist, FUCK EVERYTHING approach…

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And Stella Maxwell likes feeding her CAKE!

Because it helps build up her profile…as a model, as a relevant act, as a Victoria’s Secret reaching the fake hipster tumblr feminists….in this generation that is just oversexed…because they want to sell them over priced, cheesy, mall brand panties…and this is the way to do it…

Throw her at Miley, throw her at LOVE magazine, throw her at Terry, show the world her tits…make Stella Maxwell get noticed, because I guess Cara Delevingne was over it…

Stella Maxwell Nipple for Love of the Day August 6th, 2015