Bar Refaeli is getting married, because I guess she’s found some rich Jewish man to support her, and love her and make her babies, despite her being tainted by Leonardo diseases, assuming he even fucked her, according to a lot of people I’ve met who know him, he’s more of a homo, but a lot of these actors are just egos who fuck anything that fuel their egos, because they are so into themselves, there is no sexuality, just masturbation…using props…it’s just a weird situation…
Jewish girls, like Jewish guys and Jewish guys need to marry Jewish girls to have Jewish kids, and the rich ones, like the hot Jewish girls, so they don’t have to end up with trolls….so the husband can brag to their friends as being the girl not quite good enough for Leonardo, who traded her in, even though she probably has another story, but who in Israel is one of the biggest stars, so it’s status…
Here’s her tame, boring even, great bikini pic for an old lady about to get married…bachelorette party….
Not that anyone cares about about Bar anymore…