People call me a misogynist, I consider myself a feminist, I just like to notice the tits being shown to me, that I would assume are being shown to me by girls who consider themselves feminsts, so why is it woman hating to notice them, why isn’t it woman hating to show them…Logic..
That said, the only thing I can think of that I am sexist in is Comedy. I don’t find girl comedians funny or talented, I find them failed actresses, too ugly to be actresses, so they do comedy…I also find their jokes to be a lot about dick sucking, farting during sex, and in Sarah Silverman’s case, anything that involves poo. It doens’t make me laugh..
But what does make me laugh is when dudes tell me that they find her hot…I mean…tits, I get it, and she does too, I mean why else is she showing them off…they are key players in her stage show…but there is more to women than tits…any girl will tell you that…just in this case, everything other than the tits…are bad…so bad….