Christina Aguilera Sings of the DAy

X-Tina aguilera brought her mom of two with different dads because she’s just a stereotype…with daddy issues…tits to some singing performance that was as annoying as you’d expect her to be, all pushing her voice to this loud screeching awful place that people were impressed by in the 90s, giving her a career…when she was about half the size and without implants…

I just trolled her instagram account, which I think is xtina, but I’m too lazy to check…but she posted a topless panty selfie there addressing how “real” she is…

She also has pics of her 1920s style lingerie, boudoir with XXX neon sign over the door, because e every rich as fuck girl needs a sex room which would have been hotter when she was pre-menopause and in her 20s, because no one really wants anything to do with horny old ladies, if anything they make us question everything as they aggressively come onto us thanks to being at the peak of their sex drive..but only because we can feel anything when inside them due to the sheer size of the cavity.

HEre she is singing another song…with her tits…


Christina Aguilera Sings of the DAy August 18th, 2015